Pre-Painted Figure: Monkey D Luffy Animal Version

One Piece - Door Painting Collection 1/7 Scale
Official One Piece Figure
Height: approx. 300mm
Limited availability
Prix: US$ 98.90 (~79.59 EUR)

Release Luffy to the jungles. He is the other half to Nami's Door Painting figure. Based on the cover picture of Chapter 175 Kaihou, or Release, the theme of the figure is wildness. The figure creators at Plex calls this Luffy Animal version. And with the large curved horns on his headdress, he does resemble a ram.

The figure maker takes care to give Luffy all his tribal chief glory. The jewellery around his neck and the string of beads hanging off his headdress is sculpted to resemble Mayan accessories. The base brings out the dampness and the greenery of the forest.

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